Every time I see a rainbow
Bright yellow, green and red,
I think of the calming words God said
And what his words bestow
The everlasting covenant
Signifying undying love
Sent from above,
For all mankind and
creatures of the earth
Way back when,
mankind was full of sin
pretty much like he is today,
as it seems he is easily
led astray
God, seeing the corruption
On the face of the earth
Decided it was time for a rebirth
He found one righteous man
To dedicate his land
Gave instructions to build an ark
And embark with his family
To avoid the stark reality
For the end of all flesh
was about to take place
Killing off the entirety of
The human race
And everything
that is on the earth
shall perish.
The floods came
Ending the corrupt game
Water so deep as to cover
Mountain tops, left behind
Nothing but the two of a kind
Of every living thing which
Embarked on the ark
that Noah built
The waters on the earth prevailed
for one hundred and fifty days
When all was done God said
I will not again curse the ground any more
For man’s sake; for the imagination of man’s
Heart is evil from his start
While the earth remaineth,
seedtime and harvest
Cold and heat, summer and winter,
day and night
Shall not cease."
And he said to Noah, go forth of the ark
Thou, and thy wife and thy sons’ and
Thy sons’ wives
Be fruitful and multiply
The placing of the rainbow
in the sky signifies this allegiance,
this covenant with man;
for generations will
this convent stand
And when I see that rainbow
The story of what is behind it,
Feels me with gratitude
For the understanding attitude and
I know God is my right fit.
The feelings of love
Flows reassuringly
From head to toe
Whenever I see
that bow
And I know
God is looking
Down from above
And sending me
much love